Filter by category: flex-equity-mid-market-en
9Sep’ 2024Promotions within the CAPZA Flex Equity Mid-Market TeamCAPZA announces the promotion of Marion de Bonneville to Partner and Nils Poinot to PrincipalRead more
23May’ 2024Travelsoft becomes a global leader in Travel TechTravelgateX, ATCORE Technology, and Travel Connection Technology join Travelsoft GroupRead more
23Feb’ 2024CAPZA and Bpifrance accelerate the development of IMDEVIMDEV, a leading French medical imaging group, welcomes CAPZA and Bpifrance as minority shareholdersRead more
18Jan’ 2024CAPZA supports Wifirst in the acquisition of HotsplotsWifirst acquires the German operator Hotsplots, a key player in WiFi on the German marketRead more
9Oct’ 2023CAPZA invests in TravelsoftTravelsoft is the Europe's leading provider of software platforms for the tourism industryRead more
21Feb’ 2023Wifirst joins La French Tech Next40 programWifirst, the European leader in managed WiFi, has joined the 40 companies identified as the most promising in the French tech ecosystemRead more
30Jun’ 2022Reconciling growth and decarbonationCAPZA launches the first French mid-cap LBO fund aiming to support companies in France and Europe on these two challengesRead more
30Jun’ 2022Stéphanie Frachet joins CAPZA Flex Equity Mid-MarketStéphanie Frachet joins CAPZA as a Partner in the Flex Equity Mid-Market expertiseRead more
30Mar’ 2022CAPZA signs the acquisition of WifirstWifirst is a European leader in Wifi managed services.Read more
11Feb’ 2022CAPZA supports Mayoly Spindler in its development strategyMayoly Spindler entered exclusive negotiations with IPSEN to acquire its Consumer Healthcare branch.Read more