Jun’ 2022

Stéphanie Frachet joins CAPZA Flex Equity Mid-Market

Stéphanie Frachet joins CAPZA as a Partner in the Flex Equity Mid-Market expertise

Stéphanie joins a dedicated team of almost 12 people1, including Guillaume Basquin and Frédéric Chiche, Partners who joined CAPZA in early 2021.


Stéphanie was Managing Director at Bpifrance in Paris, where she spent the last 13 years. Prior to that, Stéphanie spent 3 years in investment banking (SGCIB), and 7 years in audit and transaction services at EY and PwC in Paris. Stéphanie has led more than 20 transactions over the last 10 years, most of them in the industry and business services sector. She brings to the team a strong private equity background and complementary sector expertise.


The existing team has already proven itself at CAPZA, with a first fund (CAPZA Flex Equity Mid-Market I, formerly CAPZA Expansion) and 8 transactions over the last 12 months in various sectors.


CAPZA Flex Equity Mid-Market targets European SMEs with more than €20m, generally through majority or minority investments as a reference shareholder and using a wide range of flexible instruments (ordinary shares, preferred shares, convertible bonds). The fund will focus on accelerating the growth of SMEs/ETIs, particularly internationally, and will be committed to decarbonation through active support for companies.


« We are delighted to welcome Stéphanie, whom we have known for over 15 years, and to strengthen the team to support the deployment of the fund over the coming years. Stéphanie shares CAPZA’s investment culture and brings us a complementary network and sector expertise. » – Guillaume Basquin and Frédéric Chiche, Flex Equity Mid-Market Partners, CAPZA


1Three recruitments in progress.



Prior to joining CAPZA, Stéphanie worked for 13 years at Bpifrance in Paris as a Managing Director. Prior to that, Stéphanie spent 3 years in investment banking (SGCIB), and 7 years in audit and transaction services at EY and PwC in Paris.


She has led more than 20 transactions over the last 10 years, most of them in the industry and business services sector, including Paprec, the French leader in recycling and waste recovery, Sabena Technics, the French independent leader in aeronautical maintenance, Sulo, a European supplier of sorting and recycling equipment, Verallia, the world leader in glass packaging for beverages and food products, Diot-Siaci, the European leader in insurance brokerage, and Valeo, a global automotive equipment supplier.


Stéphanie is a graduate of ESSEC.

Flex Equity Mid-Market team

Guillaume Basquin
Frédéric Chiche
Marion de Bonneville
Thibault Chatagnon
Antoine Forgeard
Roxane Pauquet
Senior Associate
Guillaume Basquin
Frédéric Chiche
Marion de Bonneville
Thibault Chatagnon
Antoine Forgeard
Roxane Pauquet
Senior Associate
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