Jan’ 2023

2022 review

2022: a dynamic year for CAPZA in all aspects

2022 was another milestone for CAPZA with a 25% growth in assets (1) to reach €7.6bn(1).


Growth has been driven both by the successful fund raising of our historic private debt strategies but also through our mid-cap LBO strategy and our ability to develop ESG / Impact solutions.


Fundraising as of 31/12/2022

Amounts raised by our latest vintages since their launch:


  • +€1.5bn raised on CAPZA 6 Private Debt
  • +€700m raised on CAPZA Flex Equity Mid-Market II
  • +€700m raised on Artemid (through ASL III, parallel funds and the dedicated MAIF environmental impact debt Fund)
  • +€270m raised on CAPZA Growth Tech

New funds, new solutions


In 2022, we have launched 2 new innovative funds focused on decarbonation: :


  • CAPZA Flex Equity Mid-Market II, one of the very first French LBO mid-cap fund aiming to support companies in Europe in their growth and decarbonation journey in line with the Paris agreements. Today, beyond taxonomy-aligned (or “green”) funds, the urgency is to enable companies in traditional sectors to transform in order to reduce their carbon and environmental footprint and develop environmentally efficient solutions.



Furthermore, we have raised awareness of climate change among all CAPZA teams through the Climate Fresk training. We are proud to have now 8 staff members who are facilitators of the “Climate Fresk” and who can contribute to educate our ecosystem on climate issues. We are convicedconvinced that a good understanding of the fundamental science between behind climate change is key to develop solutions and take action.


Moreover, in order to respond to the growing appetite of private investors for private equity, we are contributing to the development of innovative solutions (FCPR, 150 O B Ter, etc.) to package private equity and debt for the private wealth market.





The year was also very dynamic on the investment side, with more than 120 SMEs/ETIs currently supported by CAPZA in their growth strategy (2).

CAPZA’s 6 investment teams carried out 44 transactions in 2022 (27 in private debt and 17 in private equity), representing 1.8 billion euros arranged.(3)


Although we are a generalist player, most of these investments were made in CAPZA’s preferred sectors: tech, healthcare and business services.

30% of these investments were made outside France thanks to CAPZA’s offices in Italy, Spain and Germany. To complete our pan-European presence, we also opened a new office in Amsterdam to cover the Benelux region where the team has already completed two transactions.

The year was also active on the divestment side with 17 exits (vs 13 last year).(3)





100% of CAPZA employees are now shareholders, reflecting our commitment to value sharing.

Great Place To Work®


At the end of 2022, we carried out an employee survey, which enabled CAPZA to be certified Great Place to Work in France. Only two private equity funds have received this label in France.

ESG engagement


We are convinced that the companies that can meet the challenges of sustainable development will be those that create more value and make a difference to their competitors. As an investment fund, we must support them both financially and strategically in their transformation.

In 2022, we have therefore defined three key priorities to guide our sustainability strategy: contributing to carbon neutrality by 2050, preserving species and ecosystems, and promoting inclusion and value sharing. These three priorities guide our actions in the active support of our holdings portfolio companies and in the implementation of our CSR approach as a management company.



We would like to thank our teams, our clients and our partners for everything that we collectively achieved in 2022.


1As of 30/11/2022 of which assets managed by a third party and advised by Artemid SAS, valuations as of 30/09/022 also including funds raised until 31/12/22; (2) As of 31/12/2022 (including funds advised by Artemid)./span>

2As of 31/12/2022, scope: CAPZA Group

3Signed or closed transactions as of 31/12/2022


This document is provided for information purposes only and is not intended to be legally binding or contractual. It is not an offer to buy, sell or subscribe to any financial instrument, nor is it a commercial offer to invest in any future funds managed by Atalanta S.A.S. (the “Funds”). Nothing in this document or any subsequent document or communication should be construed as a recommendation by Atalanta S.A.S. or any of its group entities to invest or not to invest. Atalante S.A.S. accepts no responsibility for investment decisions made on the basis of the information contained in this document.

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