Project Rescue Ocean Axel Tréhin CAPZA
Feb’ 2021

CAPZA supports the association Project Rescue Ocean

A daring, collaborative project between a navigator, an association and two French companies.

Launched on Saturday, January 23 2021 in La Trinité-sur-Mer, Brittany, France, the sailboat in the colors of the “Project Rescue Ocean” association, skippered by Axel Tréhin and supported by the Intech and CAPZA groups, will tackle the great Class40 races, such as the Transat Jacques Vabre and the mythical Route du Rhum.


Innovating and uniting to raise awareness of ocean protection, through popular sporting events and an ambitious skipper: this is the philosophy behind this daring collaborative project between a sailor, an association and two French companies who share the same sense of commitment and the same passion for challenge.


For the first time, CAPZA and Intech, a world leader in the manufacture of medical devices, are committed to the eco-citizen association Project Rescue Ocean by supporting its Breton ambassador, skipper Axel Tréhin, who will wear the NGO’s colors on his innovatively designed Class40.


Together, they are embarking on a sporting adventure committed to the planet, the highlights of which will be the Transat Jacques Vabre in the fall of 2021 and the Route du Rhum in 2022. At each of these sporting events, clean-up actions will be organized with the general public to raise awareness on the waste at sea issue and help change attitudes to our consumption patterns. Objective: to collect 4.5 tons of waste over the duration of the project, i.e. the weight of the Class40 “Project Rescue Ocean”!

"Together, let's act" is the message conveyed by this splendid boat, but it is also a collective challenge in which we wish to fully participate in order to contribute to changing mentalities.
Laurent Bénard, CEO of CAPZA

Two committed and innovative French companies, united for a project that combines performance and meaning:


Laurent Bénard, CEO of CAPZA, welcomes this new partnership: “We are proud to embark on this adventure alongside the Project Rescue Ocean association and skipper Axel Tréhin. We fully share the values of this ambitious and inspiring sports project, which is at the service of the eco-citizen commitment and a cause that is close to our hearts: the preservation of one of the greatest riches of our planet, its oceans. “Together, let’s act” is the message carried by this splendid boat, but it is also a collective challenge in which we want to fully participate to contribute to changing mentalities and better preservation of the marine environment.”


Laurent Pruvost, CEO of Intech, adds: “The values behind Project Rescue Ocean’s mission are perfectly in line with our “we tech care” corporate culture, where the spirit of mutual aid and solidarity are at the heart of our entrepreneurial choices. By supporting the sporting adventure of Axel Tréhin, whom we have been accompanying since the MiniTransat 2019 and who has seduced us with his humility, self-sacrifice, sense of competition and commitment, we are able to rally and unite our employees from the four corners of the world while reminding them of the importance we place on innovation, adventure and human capital.”

Project Rescue Ocean Axel Tréhin CAPZA

A sailor with a passion for the sea and its preservation – At 32, Axel Tréhin is one of the rising stars of French ocean racing. With three Mini-Transats to his credit (2nd in 2019 in a prototype) and several podiums in the French Ocean Racing Championship, Axel Tréhin has made a name for himself for his steely mentality and his great technical skills. A composite virtuoso, the skipper actively participated in the construction of the Class40 “Project Rescue Ocean”. But for this lover of the open sea, sporting passion could not go without a civic commitment. Always concerned about the impact of human activity on the oceans and coastline, the native of Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique, France) made a commitment in 2019 to work alongside the Project Rescue Ocean association to highlight their actions to preserve the environment.


“I am happy and proud to be echoing Project Rescue Ocean’s call to act to preserve our precious oceans, in offshore races that require destitution and humility in the face of nature.”

He adds: “With Intech and CAPZA, we share the same thirst for new challenges and the same spirit of boldness and tenacity to defend our ideals. Together, we are going to live a great adventure.”


More information on To follow on Facebook and Instagram.

Project Rescue Ocean

An association spearheading a new approach to safeguarding the marine environment – Born on social networks in 2015, Project Rescue Ocean, an environmental association under the French law of 1901, has set itself three missions: to carry out waste collection actions, to raise awareness among the widest possible public about the preservation of nature and to develop eco-citizenship, particularly among young people. It operates in France and throughout the world via 28 branches on three continents. With more than 75 tons of litter collected in 2020 and several thousand students graduating as “ocean rescuers”, the association now works in close partnership with the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).


For Benoît Schumann, Founder of the association, “With his determination and combativeness, Axel Tréhin is the perfect embodiment of our motto: ‘less talk, more action’. By offering us this extraordinary visibility, Intech and CAPZA are examples of entrepreneurial commitment to the environmental cause, and it is an honor to work alongside them to build a more responsible world”. And Benoît Schumann concludes: “‘Together, let’s act’, this is our vision of the future: collective, supportive and responsible.”


More information on / To follow on Facebook and Instagram

CAPZA bateau Project Rescue Ocean Axel Tréhin
Project Rescue Ocean Axel Tréhin CAPZA
CAPZA bateau Project Rescue Ocean Axel Tréhin
Project Rescue Ocean Axel Tréhin CAPZA
Project Rescue Ocean Axel Tréhin CAPZA
CAPZA bateau Project Rescue Ocean Axel Tréhin
CAPZA bateau Project Rescue Ocean Axel Tréhin
CAPZA bateau Project Rescue Ocean Axel Tréhin
Project Rescue Ocean Axel Tréhin CAPZA
CAPZA bateau Project Rescue Ocean Axel Tréhin
Project Rescue Ocean Axel Tréhin CAPZA
Project Rescue Ocean Axel Tréhin CAPZA
CAPZA bateau Project Rescue Ocean Axel Tréhin
CAPZA bateau Project Rescue Ocean Axel Tréhin
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